Business Meetings Materials

Quest to Become the Stone Management Leader

The past business meetings before this one started as a series of quests the team had to go on to be successful in the Urology device industry. This business meeting was continuing on that journey. Only this time, we were headed into some of the most challenging icy mountains around. The idea was that the sales force is always going to have challenges and barriers to climb, but with the right tools and tips, they could reach the top of the mountain.

All of our materials and environmental decor were designed to reflect a cool and snowy atmosphere. Prayer flags hung from the ceiling, leading to the stage and mountains were strategically placed in front and on the stage. Rather than having breakout sessions, we had "Fireside chats." It was so fun to see this whole event come together for my first business meeting. 


Medsurg: When we Aligin

Late 2017, exciting things were announced at Cook Medical , including the collaboration of a few closely related specialties, now called MedSurg. The creative work group had to find a way to ensure employees knew the specialties were not completely merging into one big specialty. They were simply going to work more closely together, when necessary. To effectively show this, the team thought of the solar system and how planets are different, but still work together to orbit the sun. The way they work together and have some similarities is the moment all of the specialties are in line with Cook Medical and MedSurg. 

I knew I wanted to volunteer to help on this meeting because it was the first opportunity to really align with the other designers within MedSurg. Together we divvied up the presentation templates, the environmental decor elements, welcome packets and so much more. I had the opportunity to help with the awards banquet presentation, vertical banner graphics for the Cook tradeshow, and a few of the welcome packet materials such as the agenda. This was a very successful first MedSurg Meeting.